
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - September 2013


Pimples appear on my skin quiet often, sometimes blackheads and freckles appear. Abscess also appear on my skin. Because of all this my face looks ugly. I am going through this problem for the the last 7 years. Apart from this my hand palms have become rough and they feel itchy when I wash clothes or utensils, after this the pimples start appearing on them and skin is peeled off for several weeks. Most of these pimples appear between fingers and at the edge of hand palm, these pimples are very small and red in color, they are not watery but they cause lot of itching. I have gone through many treatments but of no avail. I am very worried.

SUGGESTION: Grind Azadirachta indica (NEEM FLOWER) in order to take out their juice. They are easily available from any grocery shop but make sure that they are fresh. Extract one bottle of their juice and take one tablespoon one hour before every meal. INSH ALLAH it will be beneficial for you. Use diet no. 1


I feel extremely cold. I have to wear vest and sweater in the weather where others wear only a shirt. I develop flu and cold right in the start of winter. I have gone through many treatments but of no avail. I remain sick in entire winter season in the name of cough, cold and fever.

SUGGESTION: Take SATAR SHIFAIN of the chick pea size after every hour, put it in your mouth and suck it. Take SHIFA-E-HERAT syrup by adding in lukewarm water in the morning before eating anything. It will not only protect you from flu and cold but will provide protection against many other ailments. Take it for few months regularly. You can buy both these medicines from agency of your city. Address of agency is written on page no.42. Take good quality of cooked beef and use diet no.2.


My teeth start bleeding these days even though I brush at night and in the morning regularly and use good quality of toothpaste. I have never used any sub standard product on my teeth because I am very particular about their cleanliness and sensitivity. But these days my teeth suddenly start bleeding. When I spit blood comes out from my mouth and it continuous till I gaggle my mouth for several minutes. I have visited a dentist who gave me medicine and toothpaste. I have been following his prescription for 15 to 20 days but of no avail. According to dentist there is no problem with my teeth,  it is due to stomach disorder but my stomach is perfectly fine. I have no problem related to digestion or acidity.

SUGGESTION:  Change your brush. Keep one thing in mind that if once a brush is used on teeth, many microscopic germs got stuck to it and when it is kept only by washing with normal water then in next 24 hours these germs multiply and become millions in number. They continue to multiply in the same fashion daily. After using once on teeth if you see brush under microscope you wont be able to put it in your mouth next time. Its only solution is to change your brush after few days. If brush is used for longer time than it can pose threat to health of teeth and can cause many ailments. It looks like your brush have become old and is not fit for further use because it is causing diseases rather than cleanliness. Apart from this use MISVAAK by keeping an intention of SUNNAH of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (SAW) in mind before every SALAH. PEELU MISVAAK is easily available in market, use it. MISVAAK has even cured mouth cancers of many people, it has spiritual power in it. Use it and pray for us. Use diet no.2.


My mother looks very healthy and apparently fine but there is something which bites her in stomach. She has gone through many ultrasounds and X-rays but nothing is revealed in them. Now doctors say that they cannot understand this disease. My mother is extremely worried. She feels that something is biting her and is trying to come out. She spend 2,2 hours in toilet for this purpose. Her stomach expands and it looks like it is about to burst. Our family system is all shattered because of my mothers disease. It is effecting our studies, we are middle class people. We are 8 siblings and all our studying. Whatever my father earns from doing a job in factory is all spent on my mother’s disease.

SUGGESTION: Take one teaspoon of  ISAPGHOL  and mix in one cup of water, after 15 minutes add SHARBAT SANDAL ILLYIACHI in it and drink it. Take JOHAR SHIFAI MADINA, THANDHI MURAAD, and HAZIM E KHAAS for 3 months regularly. Use diet no.1.


When I was 12 years old I used to develop flu and cold off and on for which I had gone through medical treatment. After 2 years I developed black mark on left side near lips. Doctors said that I will vanish away itself and is normal. Apart from this I developed pain in my left arm, my mother used to massage me and doctors gave me some pain killers. Then my teeth start decaying, doctors even plucked one of my tooth out. Doctors said that impure blood is accumulated in gums due to which this black mark appeared and is also the cause of tooth decay. I was very worried, you gave me the suggestion of using lemon after which I started drinking water by adding one lemon in one glass due to which black mark disappeared, pain in left arm also vanished and tooth decay also stopped. Now the condition is that a small black mark is visible near lips, mucus is dripped in throat. Due to weakness I feel pain in arm whenever I do extra work. Left side of the body is entirely affected. My age is 22 years please suggest me something.

SUGGESTION: Use KHOON SAFAA and JOHAR SHIFAI MADINA for 2 to 3 months regularly according to method written on brochure. Insh ALLAH you will notice health signs in few weeks. Eat well cooked mutton with CHAPAATI. Eat omelet of DESI egg by adding green chilies in it. Abstain from eating cold thing, yogurt, milk and rice. Use diet no. 2.


My stomach is not fine. Doctors told me that you have eaten wheat in fever due to which problem occurred in your stomach. Whenever I eat and cold thing like orange etc I immediately develop flu and cold. I cant eat any fruit. By eating warm things excretion increases, my blood is also not fine. By eating warm things itching starts on entire body. Sometimes I develop wound on my feet and they become rigid. This situation becomes worse in rainy season. Yellow liquid oozes out of wound and pimples, saliva come out while sleeping and I also face difficulty while speaking.

SUGGESTION: Use BANFSHI QEHVA, SATAR SHIFAIN, and JOHAR SHIFAI MADINA for few months regularly. Mix NEEM in water and drink it after filtering daily. Boil NEEM leaves in water and wash your feet with this water after filtering. Gram flour is beneficial for you. Do not eat rice, fish, yogurt, egg, milk and beef. Use fruits like oranges, place them in lukewarm water and then suck them. You can eat peas, mustard spinach, gram gravy and pulses. Use diet no.1.




Before drinking anything i.e. tea, coffee, juice, water etc , recite  یَاشَافِیَ الْاَبْرَارْ مُقِیْمًا سَدِیْداً

Blow it and then drink it. INSHALLAH ALLAH will grant health. Patients is required to give 5 rupees in alms regularly

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